Fair and Square 2018: Matthew Olver, David Rosser, Precious Chong, Leah Oster

Support Lighthouse Festival

As a charitable organization, Lighthouse Festival is committed to making sure current and future generations have access to the finest live theatre. Enriching our communities by offering important shared experiences for you, our audiences, and for our artists both professional and amateur.

We rely on the generosity of our donors like you to help bridge the gap between ticket sales and operational expenses. While ticket sales and government grants meet 82% of our operating budget, we need to raise over $550,000 each year so we can continue to present the best in Canadian Theatre

The Power of Theatre

Spotlight on new Canadian stories

Lighthouse Festival has developed more than 40 new plays and continues to provide a spotlight for Canadian playwrights to share their stories. Working directly with the playwrights, Artistic Director Derek Ritschel, helps nurture that idea and move it forward from words on paper, to actors on a stage. Commissions and Development Funding allows playwrights the dedicated time to write, funds for consultants and advisors, and access to workshops where they can see their characters come to life through actors.

For the love of theatre

Our number one goal is to ensure that from the moment you walk through our lobby doors, you feel like family. Raising the bar each season for the 65,000 people who come to enjoy live theatre in Port Dover and Port Colborne.

Where dreams begin

Passion for live theatre has no age limits. Members of the Young Company and Community Show discover far more about themselves than their ability to act. Collaboration, team building, confidence – all in a safe space filled with positivity, encouragement and inclusion. Being a part of something not just good, but great. The quality of the show is high and the experience is outstanding.

Five Alarm 2017. Andy Pogson and Beryl Bain

Ways to Give

Credit Card

Make a donation with your credit card Online, in person or over the phone – Make A Donation

Cash or Cheque

We love to see you! Stop by one of our Box Offices – Contact Us

Securities Giving

Make a gift of stock or registered securities. This giving option offers significant tax benefits over selling your stock and donating the proceeds. To download the Lighthouse Securities giving form click HERE. To Find out more about the benefits of Securities Giving click HERE.

Monthly Giving

By joining our monthly giving program regular donation is easy. Using your credit card, an automatic donation scheduled is set up with the donation amount of your choosing. We then send your tax return for the whole year in time for filing. Click HERE to obtain a monthly giving form you can print, fill out, and return or pick one up from our box office anytime.

Legacy Giving

Your planned gift ensures the longevity and growth of Lighthouse Festival Theatre for years to come. Your gift supports the work of our artists, playwrights, designers, technicians, painters and builders. It funds the tools, equipment and technology they require to excel in their roles. It provides us an opportunity to plan for the future. 

Reach out to Development Officer Caitlin O’Neill today at 519-538-1031 x 224 or at caitlin@lighthousetheatre.com for more information, guidance, or to discuss your goals or intentions for giving.

Registered Charity # 103328563 RR 0001